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2024高三教案模板英语 篇1





1.aims of knowledge(知识目标)

1) to know the information about art

2) to know some relevant words and expressions

2.aims of abilities(能力目标)

1) to improve students' listening ability by guessing the content and setting down the key words

2) to enable the students to understand the brief short history of the traditional chinese painting

3.affective aims(情感、态度与价值观目标)

to arouse the patriotic spirit of the students and improve their team spirit by doing the group work




1.students-centered teaching

以学生为中心 让学生积极参与课堂

2.task-based teaching



1. to know about the traditional chinese art

2. to set down the key words while listening





step1:warming up

(1) show the art works of fruit

(2) brainstorming

(3) enjoy a video of chinese painting

(4) learn the brief history of chinese painting


q1. what do you think of it?

q2.do you feel happy after seeing them?

q3.can you think of any other art styles?


step2: pre-listening

talk about the artworks and guess what period of chinese history each artwork belongs to .

preview the relevant words and expressions




step3: first-listening

put the words of time into order




listen again and take some notes for the detailed information( who &when)




step5: game time (江南style)



step6: conclusion and evaluation


让学生反思的过程其实是让学生做自我评估,对自己的英语学生有一个及时的了解。对教师课堂效率的提高有一 定帮助。

2024高三教案模板英语 篇2


1. 复习和巩固高中阶段所学的英语知识,提高学生的语言运用能力;

2. 帮助学生熟悉高考英语考试的题型和解题技巧,提高他们的应试能力;

3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们的自主学习能力。


1. 复习英语语法和词汇知识,包括时态、语态、虚拟语气等;

2. 练习高考英语阅读理解和写作题型,提高学生的阅读和写作能力;

3. 强化听力和口语训练,提高学生的听说能力。


1. 教师准备复习资料和练习题目,包括语法练习、阅读理解、写作题目等;

2. 准备多媒体设备,用于播放听力材料和展示教学内容;

3. 确保教室环境安静整洁,学生可以集中精力学习。


1. 复习语法知识:通过讲解和练习,复习时态、语态、虚拟语气等语法知识;

2. 练习阅读理解:讲解阅读理解题型和解题技巧,让学生做一些相关练习;

3. 提高写作能力:讲解写作题型和写作技巧,让学生进行写作练习;

4. 听力训练:播放听力材料,让学生进行听力练习,并进行听力理解训练;

5. 口语练习:进行口语练习,让学生进行口语对话和演讲练习;

6. 总结复习:对学生进行总结复习,强化重点知识,解答学生的问题。


1. 教师应根据学生的实际情况和学习能力,调整教学内容和方法,确保教学效果;

2. 学生应积极参与课堂活动,主动思考和提问,加强与教师的互动;

3. 教师应及时对学生的学习情况进行评估和反馈,帮助他们及时发现问题并加以解决;

4. 教师应鼓励学生多进行英语实践,提高他们的语言运用能力,让他们在考试中取得好成绩。

2024高三教案模板英语 篇3


本单元围绕“野生动物保护”这一中心话题进行听说读写的训练,其中阅读部分“How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife” 描述了一个名叫Daisy 的女孩以特殊的方式从濒危动物那里学到了野生动物保护的知识。Daisy 的学习方式,方法和过程非常奇幻,她乘着飞毯周游世界,首先来到了,同藏羚羊的对话中了解到了濒危野生动物的现状和原因。然后飞到了津巴布韦通过大象的介绍,明白了动物保护的重要性和措施,最后来到了热带雨林,从猴子口中懂得了保护野生动物还应该关注他们生活的环境,了解他们的习性。最后Daisy 在奇幻之旅结束时提高了保护野生动物的意识,表达了她的感受和决心。文章立意新颖,近似于童话,活泼有趣,行文结构清晰,层次分明。


学生阅读的过程就是随着Daisy学习动物保护的过程。学生是以听说读写的方式从课本,网络等课程资源中获取关于动物保护的信息。基于课文的形式和内容特点,我挖掘出了课文内容与学习方式的结合点,学习内容与实际应用的共性,因此采取了任务型教学的模式,制定出班级总任务是制作以保护各种濒危野生动物为主题的,题为 “Let’s Help Wild Life”的英文网站。这个网站是由若干网页组成,网页内容是以一种濒危动物的保护为主题,因此把全班以四人为一组分成若干组,小组任务是制作这张网页。

要完成任务,学生必须确定濒危动物是什么,内容和语言,以及设计制作,具体步骤是课前分组查找濒危动物有哪些,自主选择他们最关注的一种动物,课上学习与主题相关的内容,进行语言聚集,课后收集,整理,合成信息,完成网页的制作,这样,从课前准备到课中学习到课后延展,达成了知识的系统性,提高了学生用英语解决实际问题,综合运用语言的能力, 提高了自主学习的意识和能力。


所授课学生为我校高一学生,经过第一模块的学习,学生了解并学会了运用以小组合作的方式进行合作学习,学生具备基本的阅读能力,阅读技巧和方法。但尚未掌握有效的方法克服阅读中的生词障碍。濒危野生动物保护是学生熟悉和关心的话题,但用以表达话题的语言积累不足。此外,虽然学生的学习资源丰富,但未能恰当的利用资源进行语言学习。因此设计好学习任务,方法和步骤是提高阅读能力,进一步巩固和加强英 语学习策略的关键。



1.学生通过回答问题,填写图表,连线,等方式获取并理解有关Daisy 如何学到的关于野生动物保护知识的信息。

2. 能够运用所获取的信息简单描述关于濒危动物,藏羚羊的保护情况。



1. 通过获取野生动物保护知识,提高保护野生动物的意识。

2. 通过小组合作,学生提升了合作意识;学生增强了自信,维持并提高了对英语学习的兴趣。


获取并理解关于Daisy 学到关于濒危动物保护的知识的相关信息,并迁移运用到谈论关于对藏羚羊的保护。



I. Task presentation:

Class task: Build up a website about wildlife protection, called “ Let’s Help Wildlife”

Team task: Produce a web page about protecting one kind animal that you are concerned about.

II. Names collection:

Collect the names of endangered animals that they decide to protect.

III. Inquiry question:

Show the Ss two questions to think over and ask them to answer by the end of the


Q1. Why should we protect wildlife?

Q2. What do you learn from the text to help wildlife?


IV. Prediction.

1. Ss read the title and predict what the text talks about.

2. Ss compare the title of the text with their task.


While reading--- Fast reading

Ss skim the text and answer the following questions:

Q1. Where did Daisy go?

Q2. How did she go there?

Q3. What animals did she meet?



While reading--- Detailed reading

Para 1.

I. Ss read the first paragraph and answer the following questions.

Q1. What is the situation of antelope in Tibet?

Q2. Why has the antelope become endangered?

Q3. Is there any protection provided?

Possible answers:

Situation: decrease

Reason: be killed for the fur beneath its stomach

no protection


II. Language understanding.

1. Ss understand the sentence by looking at the picture and choosing correct answer. “We’re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.

Q: Which part of an antelope is used to make wool sweater?


2. Ss paraphrase the word “respond” andtalk about the method of guessing the new word.

“ Where do you…?”it asked. Daisy responded immediately. “I’d like to…”

Method: 利用动作的顺承关系


III. Ss get to know more reasons why wildlife can be endangered.

1. Ss brainstorm the reasons

2024高三教案模板英语 篇4

一、 课程类型:


二、 教学目标:

一) 认知目标






在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,帮 助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。

三、 教材分析:


四、 教学重点:

1. 学会审题和谋篇

2. 掌握多样化的表达方式

3. 熟练各段中的固定写作套路

五、 教学难点:

1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,促进学生自主写作。

2. 使学生了解谋篇的重要性,培养谋篇的能力和习惯。

六、 教学方法:



七、 教学设计:

Step 1. Warming up

Come up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese.

Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!

Practice makes perfect! …

What do you learn from the above proverbs?

Step 2. Presentation

Make it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson.

Step 3. Exhibition

Show on the whiteboard a writing.

2024高三教案模板英语 篇5


1. 复习英语知识点,巩固基础,提高应试能力;

2. 提高学生英语听说读写能力,培养学生的语言运用能力;

3. 帮助学生掌握解题技巧,提高答题效率。


1. 复习英语基础知识点,包括语法、词汇、阅读理解等;

2. 解题技巧的训练,包括阅读理解、写作、听力等。


1. 教师准备复习资料,包括英语教材、模拟试题等;

2. 准备多媒体设备,方便展示教学内容;

3. 提前安排好教学计划,确保教学进度。


1. 复习基础知识点,包括语法、词汇等,通过讲解和练习巩固学生的知识;

2. 针对不同题型进行解题技巧的训练,包括阅读理解、写作、听力等;

3. 组织学生进行模拟考试,检测学生的学习效果;

4. 对学生的答题情况进行分析,指导学生如何提高答题效率;

5. 鼓励学生多做练习,不断提高英语水平。


1. 教师应及时调整教学计划,根据学生的学习情况进行针对性的指导;

2. 学生应主动参与课堂活动,积极思考问题,提高学习效果;

3. 教师和学生要保持良好的沟通,共同努力,达到预期的教学目标。

2024高三教案模板英语 篇6


1. 知识与技能:



2. 过程与方法:



3. 情感态度与价值观:




1. 重点:




2. 难点:




1. 复习资料:高中三年英语教材、词汇手册、语法书、历年高考真题集。

2. 教学工具:多媒体设备(用于播放听力材料和展示PPT)、黑板或白板、教学PPT。

3. 学习环境:安静、整洁的教室,确保学生能够集中注意力进行复习。


1. 导入(5分钟)



2. 词汇复习(15分钟)




3. 语法复习(20分钟)




4. 阅读理解训练(20分钟)




5. 听力理解和口语表达(15分钟)





6. 写作训练(15分钟)





7. 课堂小结与布置作业(5分钟)




1. 反思本节课的教学效果是否达到了预期目标。

2. 分析学生在复习过程中出现的问题和困难,思考如何改进教学方法和策略。

3. 评估学生的参与度和积极性,思考如何激发学生的学习兴趣和动力。

4. 总结本节课的亮点和不足之处,为今后的教学提供借鉴和改进方向。

2024高三教案模板英语 篇7


Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading; Comprehending (pp. 1-2)




通过找读(scanning)关键词、略读(skimming) 和精读 (careful reading),了解有关琥珀屋的故事。





步骤一 热身

1. 请学生看学生用书p. 1或者PPT中的图片,两人一组讨论三个问题。教师请几组学生回答问题,然后综合大家的看法总结出文化遗产的定义。

2. 请学生说出一些中外文化遗产的名称,教师写在黑板上。可以采取小组竞赛的形式,比一比看哪组说得多、说得正确。

注:问题中出现了五个生词。rare, valuable和survive很难根据上下文猜出词义,教师可以布置学生课前查字典自学其词义,用法可以留到词汇课处理。vase一词通过图片可以猜出,dynasty可以通过语境猜出。


步骤二 读前

1. 请学生先欣赏教师准备的几件琥珀饰品或者看学生用书p. 1的琥珀饰品图片,然后请学生回答问题,并根据课文标题和图片预测课文内容。

2. 词汇准备:请学生把书翻到p.89本单元词汇表,根据要求独立地找出相应的词汇。找三个学生分别说出答案,其他学生和教师补充或更正。


步骤三 读中

1. 请学生略读课文,核查自己预测的内容是否正确。

2. 请学生在再次阅读课文前先看一下学生用书p.2练习二中的五个问题,然后在限定时间内快速浏览阅读课文的每一段,完成练习二的阅读任务,确定每段的段意。最后两人一组回答五个问题。教师请几个学生分别说出答案,其他学生和教师补充。

3. 请学生再读一遍课文,根据时间顺序在限定时间内找出琥珀屋的历代主人及当时发生的和琥珀屋相关的事件,完成下面的表格。

4. 请学生两人一组,仔细阅读第一段和第三段,归纳琥珀屋能够成为世界奇观的原因。


步骤四 读后



步骤五 讨论



步骤六 作业


2024高三教案模板英语 篇8

wordpower教案 4th period Word power

Teaching aims:

(1). Learn and master different expressions related to the law.

(2). Enlarge the knowledge about expressions of the law.

Important points & difficult points:

(1). Talk about crime to learn new words.

(2). Remember the new expressions of the law.


Step 1 Revision:

Get the students to retell the passage in Reading.

Step 2 Words used in the law:

Give the students some explanations and get them to give proper words.

1. a dishonest, violent, or immoral action that can be punished by law

Last night a woman was murdered, and the ______ was committed by a male.


2. someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered

In most sexual offences the attacker is known to the ________. (victim)

3. an official organization whose job is to make sure that people obey the law, to catch criminals, and to protect people and property.

Someone was heard fighting in the restaurant and I dialed 110; several ________________ arrived 5 minutes later. (police officers)

4. a police officer whose job is to discover information that will result in criminals being caught.

She hired a ________ to find out where her husband was going after work. (detective)

5. an official attempt to find out the reasons for something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem.

The government is to launch a full-scale __________ into the crash which claimed over 150 lives. (investigation)

6.facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that something exists or is true.

The _______ was enough to prove him to be guilty. (evidence)

7. an illegal action or a crime

Driving while drunk is a serious __________. (offence)

8. to ask someone questions to find out something

The police ________ some local people and find some evidence. (interview)

9. thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest, without being sure.

His behavior that day made the police _________. (suspicious)

10. someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened

Police have appealed for _______ to come forward and help them find the murderer. (witnesses)

11. if the police arrest you, they take you away because they think you have done something illegal.

The man was _______ for breaking the law. (arrested)

12. someone who is involved in illegal activities or has been proved guilty of a crime

The man giving a lecture at the hall was a _______, who was being purchased by the police. (criminal)

13. someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime.

Two _______ were arrested today in connection with the robbery. (suspect)

14. to do something wrong or illegal

Women ______ fewer crimes than men. (commit)

15. having done something that is a crime

He was found _______ of murder in the court. (guilty)

16. to state officially that someone is guilty of a crime

The man they arrested last night has been _______ with murder. (charged)

17. a building or room where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged.

The witness was required to appear in _____. (court)

18. a legal process in which a court of law examines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime.

Brady was on _______ for robbing an old man of his money. (trial)

Step 3 Read and understand

Ask the students to read the flow chart about the stages of the legal process in Part B. Discuss it among themselves.

Step 4 Further study

1. Complete the exercise of Part C.

(1) police station (2) crime (3) trials (4) arrested (5) charged (6) investigation (7) lawyers (8) witnesses (9) guilty (10) sentences (11) prison (12) victims

2. Ask students to do Part D in pairs. Encourage them to consult dictionaries when meeting an unknown word.


1.Keep in mind all the useful expressions related to the law.

2.Preview grammar and usage

2024高三教案模板英语 篇9



1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Get students to read the letter.

3. Let students learn the prohibition, warning and permission.


1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.

2. Enable student s to understand how to give advice.


1. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and acting this play.

2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


1.state the main idea of each paragraph in own words

2.ways to become addicted to cigarettes

3.the harmful effects of smoking

4. suggestions to quit smoking


1. sorting out major idea and minor idea

2. master key words in key sentence


→Step 1 Warming up

Show some proverbs on health

1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

→Step 2 Skimming

1How many parts does the reading text consist of?

2. Who wrote the letter to whom?

3. How many ways can a man become addicted to smoking?

→Step 3 Scanning

1. The first sentence of the letter shows James granddad().

A. lives a healthy life B. is addicted to sitting in the garden

C. has nothing to do at home D. is tired when cycling 20 kilometers

2. From the second paragraph, we can know granddad ().

A . never smoked B. likes smoking

C. used to smoke heavily D. still smokes now

→Step 4 Detailed reading

Ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs.(让学生分组讨论,形成书面形式)

1.Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes.

2. Harmful effects for smokers


3.ways to quit smoking

→Step 5 Post reading

Write some advice to persuade smokers to quit smoking

→Step6 Discussion

How to live a healthy life?

→Step 7 Homework

1. write down the suggestions given by granddad

2. try to persuade one to give up smoking

2024高三教案模板英语 篇10



base, command, request, recognize


because of, come up, at present, make use of, such as, play a part (in)


…because of that, English began to b spoken in many other countries.

Actually all languages change and develop…

The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.


■ To help students get to know about English development

■ To help students better understand “learning English”

■ To help students understand and use some important words and expressions

■ To help students identify examples of Indirect Speech (II): request & commands in the text




⑴Warming up by listing

Good morning, class. We have been learning English for several years. But how many English-speaking countries are there in the world? Now let’s make a list of them on the blackboard.

English Countries Explanation

Mother tongue the United Kingdom

the United States of America



South Africa


New Zealand The people in these countries are native speakers of English. In total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue.

Second language India



the Philippines These people speak the language of their own country at home but the language of the government, schools, newspapers, and TV is English.

Foreign language China



etc. The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.

⑵Warming up by answering questions about English

Good morning, class. Today we shall start learning Unit 2 English around the world. But how much do you know about English?

●What is Standard English?

Standard English is the form of English that most people in Britain use, and that is not limited to one area or group of people.

●What is a dialect?

A dialect is a variety of a language spoken only in one area, in which words, or grammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language.

●Do we have standard Chinese? What is it?

In China there’re so many dialects that the government encourages the whole nation to speak Putonghua, which is regarded as standard Chinese.

⑶Warming up by giving reasons

Unit 2 English around the world is what we are going to learn today. We are all learning English now because English is so popular in the world. But do you know why it is so? How many reasons could you giving for the spread of English around the world?

English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations.

English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology.

Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North America has contributed to the spread of English.

Satellite TV, radio programs like Joy FM, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles.


We are learning English here. But why are we learning it? Could you suggest to the class as many reasons as you can think of, why people in the world learn English?

for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc.

Go on with your reasons. I shall write your suggestions on the board as you make them.

3. Skimming the text for general ideas

Now we go to page 9 to skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the world

Paragraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

Paragraph 3: English changes and develops when cultures meet and communicate with each other.

Paragraph 4: By the 19th century English is settled.

Paragraph 5: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in South Asia.

4. Reading and filling

Read the text to complete the chart below.

Time English is influenced by…

AD 450-1150 German

1150-1500 French

In the 1600’s Shakespeare, who make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before

By the 19th century Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster

Now Languages in South Asia, in Singapore, in Malaysia, in Africa and in China

5. Reading and copying

Next we shall go over the text once more. This time try find and copy all the useful expressions down in your notebook.

Useful expressions

at the end of…, make voyages, speak English as…, in the next century, change over time, communicate with…, be based on…, at present, become less like…, rule England, enrich the English language, make use of…, move to…, later in the 18th century, give a separate identity to…, have a very large number of…, fluent English speakers, become the language for…, develop one’s own identity, increase rapidly.

2024高三教案模板英语 篇11



同学们通过本单元课文“A Problem For The Detective”,可以看到课文中所鞭挞的尔虞我诈的丑恶现象,同时受到深刻的教育。为人要诚实,遵纪守法,要有社会道德。


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

step (vi .) will (n .) step-mother , check out , afterwards , go through , look into , build up , wealthy , divided up , anyway , private , left-handed , right-handed , brief , to the point , foresee , instruct , signature

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Possibility and impossibility

I / She / He may (not ) do ….

2. It is likely that … . / It is possible that … . / She is not likely to do … .

3. Can this building be 17th century ?

4. Do you mind if I bring a friend along with me next time ?

5. Will / Would you be able to come to the Party ?

6. Would it be possible to do … ?

7. It looks as if / though it might rain later .

8. We’ll probably do … . / I doubt if … .

9. It appears to me that we’ll have to go on foot .

10. That’s / It’s quite impossible . / It’s very unlikely . / That’s hardly possible . / That’ll never happen . / Probable not .

Ⅲ. 语法学习


限定词 (all , twice , a , this , my , each , three , last )→ 强化形容词(certain , perfect , complete , slight , extreme)→ 描绘性或者主观评价或者质量形容词(expensive , beautiful , fine , brave , dirty)→ 表示大、小、长、短、高低的形容词(large , small , little , long , short , tall , high)→ 表示形状的形容词(round , straight , aquare , flat) → 表示年龄、新旧的形容词(old , young , new , modern)→ 表示颜色的形容词(如:red , green , brown)→ 表示国家、出处、来源的形容词(French , Chinese) → 表示物质、材料的形容词(wooden , stone , plastic , brick)→ 表示用途、类别的形容词(medical , sports , evening , story)→ 名词 。


表示原因和进行意义的介词 (短语)


1 . because of 表示引起结果的直接原因,意义与连词 because 相同。

He retired last month because of illness / because he ill .

2 . for 表示内在的、心理上的原因,常与表示喜、怒、哀、乐等情感名词连用;还可表示某种动作或结果的'起因。而连词 for 则表示某种结果的补充理由或显而易见的原因。

a ) He trembled for fear .

b ) Thank you for your help .

c ) When he was still a young man , he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons .

3 . by 表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。

a ) Her body was bent by age .

b ) The general died by his own hand .

c ) She took your umbrella by mistake .

4 . at 表示某种情绪或动作的原因,多与“喜,怒,哀,乐”等义的词连用,常译作“听到……”,“看到……”。

a ) The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news .

b ) He jumped at the news .

5 . on 表示能作为依据或条件的原因,常译为“依照……”。

He has given up smoking on medical advice .

6 . of 和 from 表原因时常与 die 类似意义的词连用。die of 指因疾病,冻饿,或害怕,羞愧等内因或外因造成的死亡。与疾病名词连用时,二者均可。from 还可表示懒惰等造成某种后果的原因。

a ) His son having been killed in the war , the man died of a broken heart .

b ) In big cities during cold winter months , many old people die from the polluted air .

c ) She died of / from cancer .

d ) He wasn‘t ill ; he stayed in bed from laziness .

7 . with 指生理上或情感上的由外界到内心的原因,意为“随着……”。

a ) The man bent with age .

b ) He turned red with anger .

8 . in 表示引起某种状态或过程的原因。

a ) He is rolling on the floor in pain .

b ) He rejoiced in his own success .

9 . owing to,相当于 because of , 多表示引起某不良后果的原因。

a ) Owing to the rain they could not come .

b ) Owing to his lacking on experience , John failed this time .

注:owing to 也可表示“欠……钱”之意

How much is he owing to you ?

10 . thanks to 表示引起某种幸运结果的原因,常译为“幸亏……,多亏……”。

Thanks to the timely rain , the farmer had a good harvest .

11 . out of 表示动机的起因,常译为“出于……”。

a ) He asked the question out of curiosity .

b ) He did it out of pity .

12 . through 多表示因局部而影响全局的原因。

The war was lost through bad organization . 战争因组织不周而失败了。


1 . at + ( the ) + 名词:at table ( 在用餐 ) ,at war ( 战时 ) ,at peace ( 和平时期 ) ,at press ( 正在排印 ) ,at one ’ s meals ( 在吃饭 ) ,at one ‘ s study ( 在学习 ) ,at work ( 在工作 ) ,at the piano ( 在弹钢琴 ) , at the end ( of ) ( 在结束时 ) 。例如:

a ) These boys are at play ( = playing ) .

b ) The surgeon fainted at the operation .

2 . in + ( the ) + 名词:in reading ( 正在阅读 ) ,in politics ( 从事政治活动 ) ,in the course of ( 在……过程中 ) ,in the act of ( 正在做某事 ) 。例如:

a ) The flowers are in full bloom ( = fully blooming ) .

b ) He was in the army .

3 . on + ( the ) + 名词:on duty ( 在值日 ) ,on business ( 在办事 ) ,on guard ( 在值勤 ) ,on leave ( 在休假 ) ,on a walk ( 在散步 ) ,on watch ( 在了望 ) ,on service ( 在服役 ) ,on holiday ( 在度假 ) ,on strike ( 在罢工 ) ,on sale ( 出售 ) ,on loan ( 出借 ) ,on the boil ( 〈水〉正在开 ) ,on the move ( 在移动,搬迁,离开 ) ,on the march ( 在行军 ) ,on the watch / look - out ( 在警戒 ) , on the flow ( 在涨潮 ) ,on the turn ( 在转折中 ) ,on the wing flying ( 在飞行中 ) ,on the advance / rise ( 〈行市〉看涨 ) ,on the increase ( 正在增加 ),on the go ( 正在活动,正在奔走 ) ,on the air ( 正在广播 ) ,on the fly ( 正在飞行 ) ,on the way ( 在途中 ) 。

a ) The house is on fire .

b ) They saw the enemy soldiers on the run . ( = running )

4 . under + ( the ) + 名词:under the doctor ( 在医生的照顾下 ) ,under test / exam ( 在被测试 ) ,under development ( 在发展中 ) ,under construction ( 在建设中 ) ,under repair ( 在修理中 ) ,under consideration ( 在考虑中 ) ,under observation ( 在观察中 ) ,under discussion ( 正在被讨论 ) ,under the agreement ( 根据协议 ) ,under orders ( 听从命令 ) 。

a ) He is working under my father .

b ) Several new railways are under construction in China .




1. wealthy富裕的,富有的,有钱的

He succeeded in business and was very wealthy
